Carrion Fields

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You may have an orderly, chaotic, or neutral ethos.  An ethos defines how you
function and how you believe the world works.

ORDERLY: This ethos binds one to a set structure of beliefs and methods - that
everything occurs in life because of a reason.  "A place for everything and
everything in its place" might be a typical catch phrase used by an orderly
person for they believe that structure and a precise accounting for all 
things is needed to accomplish whatever goals they have in mind.  Society 
needs to have order to be able to properly plan and to have people act in 
concerted effort at whatever the controlling person's desire is.  They believe 
there is a prescribed method to accomplish all tasks.

CHAOTIC: This ethos does not bind a person to anything other than behaving
chaotically.  A chaotic person desires random chance, confusion, and the 
unexpected in their own life and the world around them to accomplish their 
goals.  A chaotic person is free to act in whatever manner they so choose.  
The lack of methodologies, plans, and habits allows the chaotic person to 
gain what they desire.  Their actions are done without thought to what the
LAWS are or to deliberately oppose to them.

NEUTRAL: This person believes in both, or neither, of the above outlooks on 
life and the world around.  Someone neutral of ethos has no set way of
achieving goals.  Whatever is most expedient, whether that's a pre-defined
method with strict constraints or a totally free, unplanned, and 
unpredictable situation, they will use whatever seems fitting and proper
at the time to accomplish their desires.  The person neutral of ethos may
also choose to balance orderly and chaotic forces of the world as well.  If
they believe one side is too strong, they will take up for the side that is
lacking in an effort to bring a balance between the two worldviews.

NOTE: Your ethos has no bearing on the RULES.  Every player on Carrion
Fields MUST obey ALL the rules at ALL times.