Carrion Fields

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In the interest of attracting the right caliber of followers, the gods of
Carrion Fields have outlined the following alignments.  See where you think
you fit in.

Orderly Good:  An orderly, strong society with a well-organized government
               can make life better for the majority of the people.  To ensure
               the quality of life, laws must be created and obeyed.  When
               people respect the laws, and try to help each other, society as
               whole prospers.

Orderly Neutral: Also believes in a strong, well-organized government, whether
               it is a tyranny or democracy.  Organization and regimentation
               bring benefits that outweigh any moral questions raised by
               their actions.

Orderly Evil:  The use of society and its laws for personal benefit.  Structure
               and organization elevate those who deserve to rule as well as
               provide a clearly defined hierarchy between master and servant.
               Laws and societies are supported so long as they fit with
               personal concerns.  Laws are obeyed out of fear of punishment.

Neutral Good:  A balance of forces is important, but the concerns of laws and
               chaos do not moderate the need for good.  The universe is vast
               and contains many creatures striving for different goals, so a
               pursuit of good will not upset the balance.  Fostering good may
               mean supporting an organized society, or overthrowing the
               existing social order.  Social structure has no innate value.

True Neutral:  Almost impossible to find such people as the majority of people
               make judgments.  It is their duty to see that all of the forces
               (evil, good, law, and chaos) remain in balance.  Alliances with
               such people are odd, as they tend to switch sides as one side
               brings the other to the point of destruction.

Neutral Evil:  The primary concern for such people is their own advancement.
               Working with others or on their own, their only interest is 
               getting ahead.  Such people are known for their 'Me, Myself,
               and I' personalities.  No scruples, no conscience.

Chaotic Good:  Strong individualists marked with a streak of kindness and 
               benevolence.  Goodness and right matter, but there is little
               use for laws and regulations.  Their actions are morally good
               but may not be in perfect agreement with the rest of society.
Chaotic Neutral:  There is no order to anything, even their own actions.
               Good and Evil are irrelevant when making a decision.  They
               are almost totally unreliable, except for the fact that you
               can rely on them being like this.  The true coin-flipper, they
               rely on fate and chance to lead them.

Chaotic Evil:  The bane of all that is good and organized.  Laws and
               governments are the tools of weaklings unable to fend for
               themselves.  The strong have a right to what they want, and
               weak are there to be exploited.  Leadership among CEs is based
               on power, with the leader capable of bullying his underlings
               into obedience.  

Each god may accept a follower based on these outlines.