Carrion Fields

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An ancient forest, long since forgotten by most, has felt the touch of 
civilization again. Funded by a group calling themselves 'The Company', a 
group of loggers began to ply their trade in what the locals called the Aturi 
Timberlands. Their quick advance into the woodland stirred a deep anger 
within the trees. The first to awaken was an oak who had despaired as he 
felt his kin fall around him to the constant thuds of the logger's axes. Yet 
joy had been restored as a dryad had chosen to join herself to him. She was 
the first of many druids sent to expected safety, their satyr courtiers 
following closely behind. She now lay before him, life drained through a 
long slash to her torso. Deep emotions surfaced bringing the tall oak tree 
to do something rash for his kind and pull his roots out from the ground. 
His first step was unsteady, causing him to crash into the trees around him. 
They caught and supported him and he began to find his footing. His next 
step was steadier as the wind joined the fray and guided him along the tree 
line. The first treant had awoken, but not the last. More followed his 
example and soon the tree line had become a battle ground. Scraps of battle 
littered the ground, but most were soon covered by roots as the woodlands 
strived to regain lost ground. New life came from old as young saplings 
sprouted from the fallen. The dryads were tormented by the wave of anguish 
and pain that had followed them from their last home in Emerald Forest, but 
found more resolve in the trees here. 

The backers refused to pull out their business, so instead sent a contingent 
of guards to protect the loggers. A camp was soon established and surrounded 
by trenches too deep for the treants to cross. Narrow bridges were used to 
cross during the day before being pulled back at night for safety. Dragging 
the timber through the trench led to the discovery of an underground river. 
The first few to explore this river were presumed dead before washing into 
the Seantryn Bay. Rogues are said to haunt the river, always disappearing 
just behind the next boulder or tree. 

Faint hints of past inhabitants can be found in faded runes scrawled on stones 
and small objects hidden in the undergrowth. Some new life has returned and 
begun calling this forest home. Teynin, a feathered druid, has been heard 
speaking of the majesty of nature around him and calling for those who would 
seek to learn from him. A robed figure has also been seen moving about with 
a brute at their side before disappearing into the surrounding mountains, 
only adding to the mystery of the Aturi Timberlands.