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MALICE (3489)

Syntax:  commune malice <victim>

With this offensive supplication, the shaman fills the victim's veins with a
powerful poison with a delayed onset time.  Only sometime later will the
shaman's true malice be known as the virulent venom seeks to end their life,
rapidly damaging them and possibly sapping their vitality.

This potent poison halts natural regeneration until it is overcome, and should
the victim be completely drained of vitality by the progress of the venom, their
heart will stop and they will die immediately.

Malice is always successful in afflicting the victim with the delayed onset
poison, unless they are entirely immune to poison.  It is only at the time that
the poison becomes active that the victim has a chance to resist it.  An ability
to succeed at spell saves is of some use here, though fortitude and ability to
shrug off poisons are much more important.  Depending on the degree to which the
victim resists the poison, they cut the duration of the virulent venom to
varying degrees or eliminate it entirely.