Carrion Fields

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Past the southern exit of the great city of Galadon and through the 
shining trees of Silverwood lies the Ancient Emerald Forest. After its 
many years of existence, the forest has been a fabled place of amazing 
and breathtakingly beautiful foliage as well as its peaceful and friendly 
inhabitants. Unfortunately, there are those who looked upon that ever 
enchanting place as a easy target. 

The first blow was struck by the goblin horde that had massed from the 
other side of the Silverwood forests. They came upon the village of 
Clover in the middle of the night and razed it. With these dark deeds 
happening so close, the rangers and the pixies of the forest withdrew 
to the deepest parts to fortify their homes and work to recover that 
which was burned and destroyed. 

Unknown to them was the other danger from the western Witch Woods. A 
great and powerful figure, once a well known healer throughout the lands 
of Thera, had chosen the wood as her new home. Screams and other noises 
increased from the dark forest and the darkness that magically moved 
throughout its dead trees only grew stronger.