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Characters who abandon their principles (or lack thereof) risk angering 
the Gods.

If you act counter to your alignment or ethos, either may be changed by
the Gods to more accurately reflect your behaviour.  These changes come
at a significant cost to your character, often resulting in the loss of
key abilities.  While it is possible some of these abilities can eventually
be restored by roleplaying to either change back to your original alignment
or redemption by the Gods of your new alignment, it is very unlikely and
takes a considerable effort.

It is important that you roleplay your alignment and ethos consistently.
Be aware that even if your role encourages you to behave contrary to your
alignment, an alignment change to reflect will still result in the loss
of key abilities.

Characters who anger the Gods sufficiently will also be marked as Betrayers
of the Gods, people, or ideals which they have abandoned.  As with alignment
change, it is possible to recover from the detrimental affects of being
marked as a Betrayer by appeasing the Gods, but is very unlikely.

Certain races can also betray their racial instincts by slaying their own
kin, and can be similarly marked as Kinslayer.  This title has potential
penalties like those mentioned above, but can also be recovered from. While
not all races worry about killing their kin, Dwarves in particular are
substantially more sensitive to it.

It is possible, eventually and generally after much suffering, to achieve a 
successful and partially uncrippled alignment change, but this is a challenge 
meant only for the best and most determined roleplayers.  It can be very 
difficult to effectively portray both the character's new alignment and their 
history or racial limitations.  For example, a good orc would still be an orc, 
with the many things that entailed.  An orc that tries to be good-aligned and 
essentially acts just like a good human is not likely to be successful.

The more contrary your change is to your character's race/class/etc., the
less likely it is you will have abilities returned, and even if you do it will
be less abilities returned. If your race cannot be a certain alignment,
or your class is alignment specific, expect even more difficulty. Examples
of things that would likely never have their abilities returned, or only be
partially returned, would be things like: a good orc, an evil elf, a paladin
that is anything but good, an anti-paladin or necromancer that is anything
but evil, a saurian that is orderly, etc.