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Syntax: ambush <player> [variants]

Camouflaging themselves in the wilds, rangers are able to deliver powerful
surprise attacks.  A straightforward ambush will deliver an attack of immense
power.  There are also several variants a ranger may attempt.  You may choose
no variants or as many as you wish, though the likelihood of success decreases
with the number of variants you choose.
Drive - A ranger may attempt to drive his opponent out of the room they
        currently occupy.  (35th level minimum to attempt)
        Whips and staves are especially good for this type of ambush, and bows
        are quite poor. 

Cripple - A ranger attempts to devastate an opponent's strength or speed
          with his ambush. (20th level minimum to attempt)
          Daggers and bows are especially good for this type of ambush.

Disarm - A ranger attempts to disarm his opponent during his ambush.
         (25th level minimum to attempt) 
         The ranger's weapon type vs. their opponent's weapon type matters
         exactly as it does for the disarm skill.

Fade - A ranger attempts to fade back into the wilderness immediately
       after his ambush, halting combat. (40th level minimum to attempt)
       Daggers and bows are especially good for this type of ambush.

Distract - With this type of ambush, a ranger attempts to distract a foe
           into turning their attacks onto the ranger, should his opponent
           be fighting another. (30th level minimum to attempt)

Onslaught - A ranger focuses his ambush into delivering as much damage
            as possible to his foe. (15th level minimum to attempt)
            Spears are especially good for this type of ambush.

Dive - A caverndweller ranger will dive from the top of a cavern delivering 
       incredible damage and crippling his foe.  Is the default ambush for 
       caverndwellers in their home terrain. (20th level minimum to attempt)

Hitting a target who is already fighting is more difficult than a stationary 
target.  The Waylay skill will always attempt a regular ambush.