Carrion Fields

CF Helpfile Search


Syntax: areas
        areas ?
        areas all
        areas city
        areas roads
        areas shrine
        areas cabal
        areas explorer
        areas <min level> <max level>
        areas <string>

AREAS shows you a list of areas in the game. AREAS ALL shows you all the 
areas including roads, shrines, cabals, cities, and exploration areas.
To see a list of the shrines, type in AREAS SHRINE, for cabal areas,
type in AREAS CABAL, for cities type AREAS CITY, and for the roads,
type in AREAS ROADS. 

To find areas that are suitable for your level, type in AREAS <string>
to see a list of areas for your level. To see areas within a certain
level range, type in AREAS <min level> <max level>  . This will show a list of 
areas within that level range. For example "AREAS 30 35"  will show a list of 
areas suggested for those levels 30-35. 

You can also type AREAS EXPLORER to find out which areas are hard for
heros and tough to explore (if you die in one of these areas your
gear will go to you when your corpse decays, not to your pit... as 
long as you are still in Thera).

Areas ? will show you the syntax of the areas command.

Areas  can be used to search for area titles with specific words in 
them.  For example, 'areas forest' will return all areas with the 
word 'forest' in the title.