Carrion Fields

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Syntax: role
        role subject <subject>
        role + <message>
        role - <message>
        role add
        role remove #
        role read #
        role clear

The role command allows you to keep a record of the story and background
of your character.  You may compose each addition like a note with 'role
subject', 'role +' and 'role -'.   When you are satisfied with an addition, you
may add it to your permanent role with 'role add.'  You can remove any unrated 
roles with 'role remove #'.  View your role as written to this point by simply 
typing role read and the chapter number you are interested in.  Like notes, 
there is a maximum size of your role text, so you may want to guard against 
being overly verbose. `role clear` can be used to quickly clear all current
lines in a role being added.

Recommended formatting for roles is 79 characters or fewer per line.

Immortals may view your role, but no mortal (save you) will be able to see it. 
You may use role for your own benefit, as a place to record your character's
background and significant events or turning points in their lives.  You may
also use role as a way to explain the background, motivations, and roleplay of
your character to the immortals.  This could potentially lead to being noticed
or rewarded for actions that are consistent with your character's role, if not
obviously so.  A sphere deception character pretending to be something they 
were not, for example, could use role as a forum for explaining his/her true
motivations and personality.

Role is NOT a place to keep track of your characters kills or deaths (though a
victory or defeat could conceivably be a RP turning point for a character). 
Using it for this or otherwise abusing role will be punished harshly.

Use of the role command is not mandatory on CF.  Roleplaying, however, IS
mandatory, and role can help us determine if you are roleplaying exceptionally,
poorly, or not at all, and reward accordingly.