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SEAL FATE (3477)

Syntax:  commune 'seal fate' <victim>

With a pronouncement of doom, a shaman may attempt to seal the fate of their
enemy.  This requires that the shaman be able to speak clearly and that the
victim be able to hear, although simple tricks such as quiet mode will not
render one proof against the sealing of fate.  The victim may be anywhere in the
world that the shaman's voice can find them.  

While their fate is sealed, the victim is more susceptible to some kinds of
magic.  Their natural regeneration is greatly reduced, and magical healing is
less effective upon them as well.  Even healing sleep cannot help one with
sealed fate.  Additionally, skills that are prone to critical successes and luck
are much more so when used against them.

This ability has a long reuse timer, although should the shaman's prediction
come true and the victim die while their fate is still sealed, it ends immediately.

Minotaurs are less adept at this prayer than other shamans due to their
difficulties with normal speech.